Family Sunday School Starting Soon!

We are excited to announce that St. Luke’s will be starting Family Sunday School once a month!
Sunday September 15th @ 9 am. is our 1st one!
All are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Grab your family and joins us!

An Hour Of Fun & Christian Education!

Please join us on the 2nd Sunday of every month for an hour of fellowship with a video, discussion,  and an activity to learn about the Bible. Lets learn about God, Jesus, and the stories of the Bible in a family friendly atmosphere. All ages welcome!

Everyone could use a little religion in their life in this fast paced world. Lets slow down for an hour a month, count our blessings, and take sometime to connect our families with God.

We welcome EVERYONE into our church.


+ We will start the meeting enjoying refreshments and listen to the teachings of Pastor Rich. Lessons and Discussions of how to live a more Christian life.

+ We will discuss “Causes”  & “Missions” that we would like to be a part of. Come up with plan to do things in our community to help that cause.

+ We will discuss GROUP EVENTS we would like to have to raise money for causes. Movie Night, Game Night, Karaoke, Etc.

+ What is our community lacking? How can we help?

+ Meet new friends and have fun while making a difference in your community!

Want To Learn More? Join Us! October 10th, 2024 at 630 pm

Parents & Teenagers Welcome! Let’s Make A Difference Together!

Flea Market | 2021

St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church and the WELCA will be sponsoring our Flea Market on August 6th and 7th.

There will be a plant sale table and baked goods. Something for everyone. Donations received will be shared with Lutheran World Relief and our Window Repair project. We will happily start accepting donations for this event in mid-July.

And don’t forget baked good items for the “day of the sale”. Time to use those special recipes. All help is welcome.

  • August 6th, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM: Flea Market.
  • August 7th, 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM: Flea Market.

If you have any questions about the Flea Market, you contact Carol Lehr at 610-847-5680. Thanks!

Soup Supper Schedule | 2021

Complimentary “Soup Suppers” continue to be served for all to enjoy at St. Luke Lutheran Church of Ferndale in 2021. Donations will be used to provide for The Lord’s Food Pantry and ongoing Ministries’ support.

Usual FREE fare includes numerous soup offerings (5 – 9 selections each day), breads, crackers, beverages and dessert. Food is also available for “take out” for a nominal charge.

We’ll have delicious homemade soups for take out only during COVID precautions. Don’t forget the variety of scrumptious desserts to end your meal!

  • October 19, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM
  • September 21, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM
  • March 16, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM
  • February 16, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM
  • January 19, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM

Donations of soup and desserts are always welcome! Watch for the signup sheet to be posted in the church basement to donate soup or other necessary items for the supper.

Church Window Project

The Window Restoration is an ongoing project. Please help us by donating to keep our beautiful windows in good condition.

The Window Restoration is an ongoing project. Please help us by donating to keep our beautiful windows in good condition.

We are hoping to get started this fall. Thank you to those that have made contributions.

Contact the church to contribute.

Set to Begin “In Person” Worship

St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church is going to begin “in person” worship on July 12 at our new Sunday Morning Service time of 10:00 AM.

St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church is going to begin “in person” worship on July 12 at our new Sunday Morning Service time of 10:00 AM.

The building will be sanitized weekly and we will incorporate all the recommended precautions into our “opening.”

We will have:

  • Sanitizer available.
  • Disposable masks available for those that do not have or forget their own.
  • Disposable gloves for those that wish to wear them.
  • 6-8 foot distancing.
  • No hand shaking or “passing of the peace.”
  • No singing – as this is known to project “germs” further than talking.
  • Open windows as weather permits in order to have plenty of fresh air.
  • No formal social gathering/ food and beverage social in the building.

If you have any other thoughts, questions or concerns, please let us know.
St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church


ATTENTION: St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church Sunday morning services thru the end of March 2020 will be cancelled do to governmental COVID-19 social distancing regulations.

In the best interest of our congregation, we are abiding by the Governor’s order. The Church is NOT closing, we are just temporarily suspending gatherings.

Soup Supper Schedule | 2020

Complimentary “Soup Suppers” continue to be served for all to enjoy at St. Luke Lutheran Church of Ferndale in 2020. Donations will be used to provide for The Lord’s Food Pantry and ongoing Ministries’ support.

Usual FREE fare includes numerous soup offerings (5 – 9 selections each day), breads, crackers, beverages and dessert. Food is also available for “take out” for a nominal charge.

We’ll have delicious homemade soups for take out only during COVID precautions. Don’t forget the variety of scrumptious desserts to end your meal!

  • October 20, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM (Take-Out Only)
  • September 15, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM (Take-Out Only)
  • March 17, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM (Cancelled)
  • February 18, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM
  • January 21, 4:00 PM until 7:00PM

Donations of soup and desserts are always welcome! Watch for the signup sheet to be posted in the church basement to donate soup or other necessary items for the supper.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service | 2019

St. Luke Lutheran Church in Ferndale will be having our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on December 24th, 2019.

Please join us as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.

Pastor George Harpel will be with us.  Bring the family.  Everyone is welcome.

  • December 24th, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Ferndale.